If you are getting a puppy, you may already be wondering about the big questions. How will you potty train your new addition? What vet will you use? Where can you find a great Puppy Preschool program to get him socialized right away? Most importantly, what will I name him?

Your dog’s name says a lot about you, your interests, and your pup’s personality. The name has to be unique, easy to say, and expressive. After all, your new puppy’s name is what you will be calling out at home, in the backyard, and at the dog park. Stumped on what to name your puppy? Here are a few categories that you may consider while conjuring up the perfect name for your new furry friend.

Literary References
If you are a reader, you may enjoy naming your dog after an obscure character in your favorite book. We love Hermione for smart girl pups, Ishmael for brave exploring pups, or even Jekyll for a pup with a few personalities. Other literary lovers may consider names like Pippi, Golightly, Sherlock, Atticus, Scarlett, or Crusoe.

Movie References
If you are more of a movie lover, you are bound to find a dog name that you love. Consider Falcor (from Neverending Story), Yoda, Ferris (from the Chicago classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off), Maverick or Goose. We love seeing movie reference dog names roll into our studio, the more obscure the better!

Personality References
Sometimes your new puppy chooses his own name, based on his personality alone. Sweetie, Happy, Bouncy, Clown, Einstein or Dozer all tell people a bit about your dog before they even meet him.

Sports References
Athletes and sports fans alike often choose some of the best dog names, based on their favorite players or arenas. Here, we tend to see lots of names like Sox, Wrigley, Addison, and Clark. We also see plenty of Bears references and Blackhawk nods.

Silly Names
For jokesters, choosing a dog name can make everyday fun. Consider plays on names like The Notorious D.O.G. or Santa Paws. Sometimes, a classic human name can sound hilarious when paired with a dog. What about a dog named Pam, Ross, or Gary? Finally, consider a dog name that doesn’t quite match your pup’s stature. For example, a tiny dog named Megatron or Tank can bring a smile to your face on even the hardest day.

Once your puppy is successfully named, give us a call to enroll him in Puppy Preschool where he can learn to answer to his name and make some friends.