New Puppy?

Getting a new puppy is a wonderful time for every family.  There are a few simple things you can do to help make sure your puppy becomes a well balanced dog.

If you are looking for Puppy Training classes in the Chicago area, contact us now!

Once a pup is removed from the litter, it is up to the new human family to be sure socialization continues.  A puppy is a little sponge from 8-16 weeks.  One important factor to Puppy Training is taking your puppy everywhere with you as often as you can.  Go to a park where children are playing.  Walk by noisy construction sites.  Have your pup come along when you go to friends and relative’s homes.  The more a puppy interacts with other people and animals, the more social the puppy will be as an adult.

Be sure and attend a puppy pre-school class with your puppy specifically for puppies 8-16 weeks old. It is important that puppies get the opportunity to play with other puppies their same age.