Strategies for Your Nipping Puppy

Ah, a new puppy! Little pups are so cute, soft, and playful….and what sharp teeth they have. Those super sharp teeth are par for the course in puppy ownership, along with nipping and biting. If you are a new puppy owner, or perhaps just haven’t had a puppy in awhile, you may be struggling to get your puppy’s nipping under control. Nipping and biting is normal for your new addition, especially up to 16 weeks of age; the incessant biting and mouthing is a way for your puppy to explore the world and ease the pain that comes with teething. However, a nipping and biting puppy can cause chaos in your home and problems will follow if you don’t get the behavior under control. Here are a few tips to get you started down the right path to letting your puppy know that nipping is not accepted in your home.

Safety first
Nipping and biting is meant, in puppy language, to be playful and not mean or aggressive. Keep this in mind as you start to develop a plan for your family, especially if you have children. Kiddos, especially younger ones, can interpret a puppy nip as mean which can lead to your child becoming afraid or apprehensive around your new four legged family member. In order to keep everyone in the family on the same page, make sure that everyone knows that no one in the family should retaliate against the dog and that only adults (or bigger kids) should do the bite correction.

Families with younger children can find that a nipping puppy is stressful. We have heard stories of preschoolers deciding to stay on the couch – just out of puppy’s reach – for fear of the sharp nip. The family of one of our newest pups-in-training, Junie, found that their kindergarten son was more afraid of Junie’s nipping than anyone was comfortable with. “We just didn’t want his nervousness and worry to turn into more of a fear issue,” says the mom. “We knew that our son needed to feel in control of the situation when playtime turned a little too nippy for his liking, but we also knew that he shouldn’t be bite correcting. To help the situation, and to bring some calm back to chaotic moments, we would tell him to ‘be a tree’ when she started nipping. He would stand still with his hands crossed on his chest, and Junie would immediately stop nipping at his heels or shirt. Instead, she would calm down and just stand beside him. Even though he is much more comfortable with her now, it’s still common for us to shout ‘be a tree’ a few times a week. It keeps everyone feeling safe and immediately calms the situation in our home.”

Correct it immediatelyThe key to communicating your expectation to your puppy is to immediately correct the nipping when it happens. If your pup gets to biting and nipping, use your hand to close your puppy’s mouth while saying the words, “no bite”. After your pup relaxes, tell him “better” and redirect him to a high quality chew toy to gnaw on. Try out a Nyla bone or Kong – these sturdy toys can tolerate sharp puppy teeth and chewing. Constant correction can get tiresome during the first few months, but keep it up. Your puppy is a sponge, learning what he can and cannot do; soon you will notice that your consistency has paid off.

Watch the timing
If you pay close attention to your puppy’s schedule, you can determine if your pup’s biting gets more frequent when he is tired or overstimulated. Much like a tired toddler who is cranky, your puppy might just need a nap or some quiet time in his crate when the biting reaches a fevered pitch. To help teach your puppy how to settle themselves down, don’t be afraid to keep him on a leash even when you are inside the house. Our trainer Mary recommends tethering your puppy to a certain area when he is a bit too excited and nippy. “Tethering your pup is a great way for them to learn how to calm down on their own; this skill will become invaluable to your pup’s mental health – and yours – as he starts to grow,” Mary says.

Do what you say
Your nonverbal communication is even more important than the words you say to your puppy, especially when it comes to behavior correction. You might be telling your puppy “no bite”, but use your hands during playtime. Mary suggests to lay off hand/mouth play with your pup, opting for fetch instead.

Go for a walk
Biting and nipping behaviors, especially in puppies, can sometimes be an indicator that your pup isn’t getting the physical stimulation that they need. Assure that you and your puppy are out and about for walks throughout the day; exploring the world on a leash during a walk is pleasant for both of you, and a consistent walk schedule can curb biting and nipping behaviors.

Get social
Puppies can learn bad biting habits while playing with other dogs and puppies. Trainer Mary knows the importance of puppy socialization, but encourages you to be sure that your puppy’s playmates are safe and teaching good habits instead of bad ones. Our Puppy Preschool program encourages safe socialization with a nice mix of playtime and stimulation that will leave you, and your pup, more confident by the time you stroll out the door.

Remember, your puppy isn’t biting to be mean or aggressive. He is just exploring the world and trying to communicate with you in the best way he knows how. As long as you stay the course and remain consistent, you will be able to let him know that biting isn’t how your family communicates. Before you know it, his bites will turn to licks and you can high five yourself for sticking with it to make everyone happier in your home.